Here You Go, Again, Republicans February 13, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Here You Go, Again, Republicans February 13, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

I have exposed Alaska's US Senator Lisa Murkowski's nature as a RINO for going on a dozen years now, and still, the numbnutz in the Alaska Republican Party aren't listening and won't do their duty by their platform and purported "values".

Oh, Lisa is so cute. I remember her when she was a little girl....

Hanging onto her Mother, Nancy GORE-Murkowski's hand---- GORE as in Al GORE.....GORE as in Chicago Daley Clan..... what does it take? TWO brick walls to fall on their heads AND a complete recitation of her voting record?

Alaska Republicans couldn't find their butts with runway beacons, a lighthouse, two hundred flashlights, a magnifying glass the size of Big Ben, and a thousand hours of Transcendental Meditation. Plus a free roadmap.

She's such a nice person..... until you look at her voting record.

Then you find out that she has sold us out and down the river with gusto at absolutely every turn. She's made a whole generation ashamed of being conservatives. She's guilted Alaskans for standing up for themselves and God forbid, for unborn babies.

She has smugly denied her obligation to actually and factually deliver the benefit of our Constitutional Guarantees.

She has sniffed in her oh-so-very-superior way and left her supporters standing in the slush with their cold feet and confusion, thinking, "but, she's a Republican!"

Right. And I am secretly Charlie Brown, struggling with my transgender issues, and afraid the Little Red-Haired Girl will find out.

What exactly does it take before Alaska's Republicans realize that Lisa Murkowski is a RINO in the same way that POPE FRANCIS is a Catholic--?

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