Tic Tac UFO over Springfield, Illinois, US - MUFON Case No. 113658 - July, 1st, 2020 @ 5:05PM

4 years ago

MUFON Case No. 113658 - Springfield, Illinois, USA on July, 1st, 2020 @ 5:05PM

Short Description: I always watch the skies

Long Description: I always watch the skies. Ever since I had a vivid remembrance of lost time with my mother I've had this feeling of being watched. I've had numerous occasions of so called sleep paralysis. I just knew it was something more to it as time went on I would see what seemed to be planes or helicopters but just seemed different. Until one night camping me and a couple people witnessed what we thought to be a star split in four separate pieces and go in different directions. After that I would constantly watch the skies and would see different things I just couldn't explain I would try to record but could never capture them or the video would be to grainy. But finally caught one on video in the daylight and I had forgotten about it because I was so used to seeing them until I was just going through videos on my phone and ran across it. After blowing it up on my phone at that moment it was obvious what it was and people have taken video of what I believe to be the exact same thing that I captured. Whoever accepts these reports please enhance this video all I have is the raw footage it's untouched not even magnified I wanted to send it ass is YOU BE THE JUDGE. Thank You

Music - https://www.epidemicsound.com​​​

UFO, OVNI, UAP, UFOs, OVNIs, UAPs, Sightings, UFO sightings, Alien, Aliens

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