NC's Lt. Gov Called Racist for Opposing Radical Curriculum | Guest: Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson | Ep 370

4 years ago

North Carolina recently approved a new curriculum that would teach elements of critical race theory to K-12 students, despite the move being extremely unpopular. The state's lieutenant governor, Mark Robinson, the first black person to hold that position, has been very outspoken in his opposition to these changes to North Carolina's education system. Robinson was in turn "attacked" by the leftist media, who accused him of racism and worse. We speak with Lt. Gov. Robinson about the attacks against him and the new radical curriculum. Then, we discuss the CDC's recent guidelines on school reopenings. Spoiler alert: Not many schools will be opening under these guidelines. These guidelines are so crazy that even Jake Tapper of CNN and the Washington Post aren't happy about them. Seems like politics has prevailed, and teachers' unions contributed more to the guidelines than science and data.

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