Endtime Prophecy: Satanic Pastors/Illuminati/Masons Exposed!

3 years ago

YAHUSHUA, also called Jesus Christ is the Only Way to Heaven ! (John 14:6). Do you know HIM as your Saviour ? If not, please watch this video here: https://rumble.com/vdr7bj-come-to-yahushua-today.html

Please visit www.amightywind.com

YAHUVEH God is warning HIS Children to flee from satanic pastors and evil, compromising churches. Furthermore this is a Prophetic Warning to honour and keep Holy HIS True Sabbath Day, just like the Fourth Commandment says (Exodus 20). This is Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, not Sunday!

Some of these evil pastors include: The Pope, Joel Osteen, Marilyn Hickey, Joyce Meyers, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Steven Munsey, Rick Joyner, Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts, Richard & Lindsey Roberts, Juanita Bynum & Thomas Weeks, Paula White, Rodney Howard-Browne, Mike Murdock, Billy Graham, TD Jakes, Rod Parsley & Kim Clement

Excerpts from Prophecy 64

Tell them MY Daughter, tell them. The majority of the churches are Babylon. They starve MY baby sheep and MY lambs. The pastors are nothing but evil in these churches of Babylon that speak forth MY Words and yet no power is within them. No milk, no meat the only ones that get fed is the evil shepherds with the material gain of this world to build onto their buildings already built. To compare the numbers with one another as they boast, I have this many in my congregation and I have that many in my congregation but oh how few are filled with MY SPIRIT. Oh MY heart grieves, MY Children! (…)

Run children, run, run, run, for MY judgment starts at the house of YAHUVEH. The churches that once belonged to ME now I give the instructions to MY Children flee. Oh the little ones they go to these churches just for a sip of the milk of MY Word. They realize not behind the pulpit in so many of these churches stand a man or a woman filled with satan’s spirit. The youth pastors, the worship leaders oh how many are full of satan’s spirit. (…)

This is how you will know whether MY RUACH ha KODESH is in a shepherd. They do not puff themselves up with pride. They do not build multi million dollar churches. You will discern whether or not MY RUACH ha KODESH resides.

But Oh how many of the so called churches, Oh how many of the so called Temples MY RUACH ha KODESH isn’t even allowed inside. No moving of the SPIRIT. Any true apostle and prophet is kicked out. MY RUACH ha KODESH is quenched. MY Prophets even have to have permission to prophesy. Woe to you evil shepherds. Woe to you evil pastors. You teach MY People a lie. You won’t even teach them the True Sabbath. You tell them any day will do. But I ask you this question what was good enough for the Creator isn’t it good enough for you? (…)

Remind them of the Ten Commandments I have given you. Remind them the Sabbath was set up from creation when I formed this world. Then that pastor will be held accountable whether he teaches the congregation the truth.

YAHUSHUA is coming back on a Sabbath. Will you be the 5 wise virgins or the 5 foolish ones? I am not coming for a disobedient Bride. There are qualifications to become MY Bride. (…)

Remind your pastors of the Torah and remind them the Sabbath was set up from creation as stated in Genesis. Remind your pastors the Sabbath is perpetual it will be forever more; this is in MY Holy Scriptures. I will not change the Sabbath Day for man although it was created for a sacred rest for all mankind.

This is a sacred day set apart that brings closer fellowship with ME day that brings restoration, a day that is to be Holy and set apart from the other days you serve and worship ME. I place MY Seal of protection on MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect who do this as a remembrance of their Creator YAHUVEH and their only Savior YAHUSHUA. (…)

Oh MY Babies, Bride, Chosen ones and Elect you have been so deceived by wolves that appear to look like sheep. They have crept in among your folds. They devour MY lambs as the lambs cannot recognize the wolves with the mask of a sheep. Many of the well known Pastors, Evangelists and deliverance ministers, and many Christians would know their names, are truly worshipping another, even when calling upon the name of Jesus and yet in reality are secretly 33rd degree masons. (…)

You who serve satan and call yourself 33rd degree masons, you who call yourself illuminati there is no illumination in you. The God of creation created hell and the Lake of Fire for another purpose and it is for the fallen angels and satan but it is you who have insisted to stay in rebellion and serve the god of disobedience and rebellion and the anti-christ and you will spend eternity in damnation because you refuse MY Salvation. Test the fruits, MY Children.

IF any Pastor does not line up with MY Holy Word then run from this Pastor. The church is not the building; the church and the Temple are MY People that gather together in MY Name. Be not deceived by fame and fortune, by the size of a church or Temple or congregation.

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