The Bachelor & Gina Carano: How (and How Not) to Handle the Mob | Ep 369

3 years ago

Today, as we often do, we're discussing cancel culture. The "cancel mob" can never be satisfied, and more celebrities are being canceled for holding views contrary to the Left, because of course, you can never be woke enough. Gina Carano of the Disney show "The Mandalorian" was fired by Disney for supposedly "abhorrent" tweets, but the same standard isn't being applied to Pedro Pascal, her co-star. Pascal and Carano both tweeted images that compared America to Nazi Germany, but only one of them is being fired. Meanwhile, Rachel Kirkconnell, rumored to be the next winner of "The Bachelor," has been accused of racism for attending an antebellum-themed party a few years ago. Not only that, but when host of the show Chris Harrison called for cooler heads to prevail, he himself was attacked online by the Twitter mob. Lastly, Solly Baby, a company that makes baby products, has come under fire for cultural appropriation after seeking to patent its new baby carrier.

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