Brand New Baby Chicks in HumblevilleUSA - Good Friday 2016

4 years ago

Welcome back to Humbleville, USA! This past Good Friday, the girls and I went to our local farm supply store and brought home three Buff Orpingtons, one Silver Wyandotte and one Rhode Island Red baby chicks! We are so looking forward to having our own farm fresh eggs in the convenience of our back yard. Yes, we've had dogs and cats and fish and even earthworms ... but this is our first foray into raising chickens in our backyard.

The girls are really excited. Mrs Humbleville is less so, but she does love fresh eggs and her daughters. So chickens it is!! We aren't expecting them to be laying eggs until late summer or early Fall. We're setting our expectations to September.

Keeping the chicks dry, clean, watered, fed, warm and safe are the primary considerations. In this video we have set up a small, temporary home. A friend of ours will lend us her larger cage unit so the chicks will be able to spread out and grow.

Since the 2015 season, we have also secured the web site of so feel free to check out our collection of videos, short posts and articles. Your comments below and comments on the blog are GREATLY appreciated.

Notice something we are doing wrong? PLEASE let us know! It keeps us humble and learning. Please like the video, share it with your friends and do us the honor of subscribing to our humble channel. God Bless!!

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