How Do I Study My Bible and Apply It To My Life?

3 years ago

In last week's podcast, I began answering a 3-part reader question:

“What is the beset way to start to study, what to study, how to study, and how to apply to our lives?”

You can listen or watch that episode here: What is the Best Way to Start Studying the Bible:

This week, I take part three "How to study the Bible and apply it to our lives".

This is vitally important, because studying the Bible alone won't produce fruit in our life.

James warns us that even the demons believe God's Word and tremble.

The Pharisees of Jesus' day were avid students of God's Word. They knew the Law better than anyone did, and yet all it did was make them more proud and arrogant.

If we want God's Word to produce fruit in our life, we have to study it and apply it.

In today's podcast, I give you my four steps to studying the Bible, and then share how I ask probing questions to take that study deeper in my own personal life.

So that I am looking into the mirror of God's Word, seeing my true state, and then taking the steps necessary to walk out what I'm learning.

In today's podcast I mention:

Blue letter Bible:

Why Intellectual Christianity is Dangerous:

More about Rosilind
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