Be Involved InCircle Us

3 years ago

It truly is time to celebrate and have fun! Go on a virtual treasure hunt and find the gifts. Watch the video and look for the key, the pocket watch and the gift box Send a close up pic of the items to Each month, the first 10 people who complete the treasure hunt quest will be sent a favor and included in the prize drawings in the upcoming months. Clues will be given on the show and on videos. Include your address and join the newsletter on Please watch the video---together, we're building something wonderful!

The rescue organizations & need your help to continue their operations. Please donate to them directly. The Circle L Kids Camp scholarships fund will be disbursed to the camp directly., USO & are InCircle Us - Lori & Company's other chosen causes. We spotlight businesses that are making a difference to others. has products coming to the marketplace that are inspired from heaven. She wrote the book and having movies about her insights are being made in Hollywood now. You will receive a banner ad on if you choose to advertise and be listed as a featured business or sponsor on

Join the community of creators and dynamic ethical people at created for ethical, moral, kind people who like doing business with and working for people that have high standards and practice the Golden Rule-treat others as you would want to be treated. Please help send rescued kids to Rawhide Ranch camp so the kids can be with animals, have fellowship and receive healing. Our chosen camp is near Rainbow, CA but we believe many more camps will be built across the nation and world after the upcoming event. Our extended international circle of contacts range from military veterans, first responders, fire fighters, paramedics, architects, politicians, campuses, reporters, doctors and estate managers, art curators, librarians, teachers, lawyers, singers, actors, engineers, flower growers, authors, small businesses, self-employed, first responders, sheriffs, police, builders, realtors, home improvement, ranchers, nurses, therapists and even a few movers and shakers.

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