Tossed Around?

3 years ago

#1MinuteEncouragement Wherever my focus is, there goes my soul. Ever feel like you are being tossed to and fro, and you just want it to stop? Bouncing around in the cultural tides of our times, where right is wrong and wrong is right? It is tough finding our place in this “Cancel God Culture”! Everything that should be right is wrong, and things that should be punishable by law are not, for the left half of people, and are for the right half of people. Good people are being falsely accused by bad people who are actually doing the crime, but wanting some else to do the time. In times such as these, what is our destination? What is our purpose? Where are we looking to find these? Look up! We do have a future and hope. Yes, we can be pushed by the fake reality of others who are trying to beach us, like a jellyfish pushed out on the shore by the tide coming in, and left to die, exposed to the heat. Do we give in to bullying with all of its anxiety and fear? No! We turn to God, acknowledging Him and trusting Him to make a way for us where there seems to be no way. We have to stop reacting to a worldly viewpoint, and respond to God. He is the Fixer, The God of Justice. Trust God. #DigDeeper

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