#405 1-17-20 BOOK CLUB: The Seven Basic Plots

4 years ago

00:00 Stable Genius Fights Sclerotic Military [WaPo excerpt from new book, Pinsen tweet about crying officeer]
17:30 National Conservatives Come To The Fore [Harper’s essayt]
26:00 Gay internet drama, doxxing, hate speech
51:00 How To Stop Trump? Disenfranchise His voters [Noah Berlatsky piece]
1:01:00 US Wins Tariff Battle With China [WSJ piece]
1:05:27 BOOK CLUB: The Seven Basic Plots
5. Joe Biden: A Shell Of A Man [NYT interview]
6. Michelle O Dethroned As Lunch Lady Czar [McClatchy story]
7. Black Americans Sunk In Gloom [Philadelphia Inquirer story on poll]
8. The ADA Is The Masturbator’s Friend [TMZ story]

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