MICROGREEN MISTAKES | Sunflower Shoot Problems with Pressure and Heat | Learn from My Errors

4 years ago

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#resilience #microgreens #sunflowershoots #heat

In my years growing Sunflower Shoots I have never run into this! I recently purchased another germination mat (heating pad) to put under a stack of sunflower to encourage prompt germination since they really like summer time root zone temperatures. I placed a stack of 3 sunflower shoots on it, with a paver on the top like usual. I didn't peek at the bottom tray like I usually do because I didn't want to disturb the seeds while germinating. Whoops!

When I uncovered them 4 days in, the bottom tray had a massive baked/moldy section in the middle, where the most pressure had been. That part of the tray was toast. Apparently the new heating pad puts out A TON OF HEAT. I had heard about this in a discussion between Donny Greens and Curtis Stone (The Urban Farmer) in a From the Field episode, but I had never encountered this. Don't let it happen to you! Test new products (especially from different manufactures) before using them in your production!


Channels Referenced in This Video:
Donny Greens: https://bit.ly/37hClED
Curtis Stone: https://bit.ly/3b5Ti68
From the Field: https://fromthefield.tv/


Try Our Micros (WNC):
Home Delivery Signup: https://bit.ly/35C8N3F
WVM: https://bit.ly/3qmYNnc
French Broad: https://bit.ly/2XElGGf
Blue Ridge Market: https://bit.ly/3bM7XFo


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WNC Local Growing Resources:
Soil/Hardware: https://bit.ly/3bF0msc
Garden Seeds: https://sowtrueseed.com/

My Favorite Micro Seeds: https://bit.ly/3nOP9Zl (affiliate link)
Lights (Flourescent): https://amzn.to/2M7fW5p
Lights (LED): https://amzn.to/2KTThZu
Soil (LOTUS): https://bit.ly/2XBhk2y
Trays: https://bit.ly/37Lnras
Watering Wand: https://amzn.to/3nJsPQj

Favorite Micro Seeds:
Sunflower: https://bit.ly/2LoCJty
Wheatgrass: https://bit.ly/3qhyxdG
Radish: https://bit.ly/3oNWARa
Pea Shoot: https://bit.ly/2MZ3GnL
Broccoli: https://bit.ly/2N6e90T

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