TIME TO WAKE UP NEWS 2021: The Rise of the NWO Great ReSet, The Waxxxing, & The Scamdemic Plandemic Chapter 1

4 years ago

This video is dedicated to Jeffery Clevelend "Jeff Censored" of YouTube, he is a major loss to our truth community, although I could never be him and have his voice I will continue to do what I can do to keep trying to wake up the masses and expose what is really going on in our world as long as my heart still is ticking.
Much Love to You and Your Family and Friends.

The first part of this video is a dedication to Jeff and the the first half hour or so is screenshots I took the past year February 2020 - February 2021 I edited everything and put in a collage. The pictures and information may go by really fast because of time for the video so if you want to read more please pause the video and if you need more information please email me at timetowakeupnews@gmail.com I have all of the info saved and bookmarked.

You can find Jeff's video's here:
Jeff Censored: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAI2PPsCuPRM6KDbwJvSU9A/videos
Jeff C Live: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3F3wZsKEljUMuX0MzGMdyA/videos
Jeff Censored Encore: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCGvtNdGlT1iA8u1htmy-FA/videos
Supreme Lord Commander: https://www.youtube.com/c/JeffCfreeradiorevolution/videos
New World Agenda: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/44Pfs0H6bQl9/
Jeff C's Friends:
@ReallyGraceful: https://www.youtube.com/c/reallygraceful/videos
Camille @ PleaseStopTheRide: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_m1HUpNNfkb3x2cv9RrHjQ/videos
Venomous @IAmAwareWolf: https://www.youtube.com/c/IAmAWAREWOLF/videos
Faceless Propagandist: https://www.youtube.com/c/FacelessPropagandist/videos

Hello Friends,
I am officially out of "YouTube Retirement' this is my first new video in 6 years I stopped making videos because of the amount of work, effort, and time it takes to make them so that is why I created my website and Facebook page so I could post and share there, but with everything going on right now in 2020 my heart was heavy and God spoke to me and said that he wanted me to make this because he wanted to get this information out to everyone so they can see it all in one place not just in multiple posts or shorter videos. Please SHARE this with your families, friends, loved ones, and even strangers please download this video to your computers, flash drives, anywhere you can save it because I honestly don't know how long this will be up and it so important that every human being watches this and learn truth there is not much time now.
I take absolutely no credit whatsoever for this video I am a watchman and follower in Christ and our Lord God Almighty our Father in Heaven all credit goes to HIM.
Much Love and God Bless Friends,

I am on disability now because my heart condition so times are tough now being on a limited income like so many people now who are struggling with everything going on, but if you like my work and if you would like to support me you can make a donation I would be so blessed and grateful because any little bit helps a lot. 🙂
Here is a link to my PayPal:

'Time To Wake Up News' also has a website on Wordpress. Tons and tons of valuable and very important information stored throughout our database with various different topics:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/timetowakeupnews

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