How to properly do squats with United States Army National Guard Staff Sergeant Ken Weichert

3 years ago

Looking for a challenge? Sergeant Weichert shows you how to properly do squats. This is a great warm up exercise for future exercises. Start with your toes just hip apart, toes facing forward and arms resting on your sides. Bend your knees to a 90 degree angle but... no more than 90 degrees. Keep your back straight at all times. As you go down, exhale though your mouth and as you come up, inhale through your nose. For starters, do 8 repetitions of 10 squats each (80 squats total). Keep doing this daily until you feel that you can master 9 repetitions (90 squats) and continue until you hit 30 repetitions (300 squats). Videos come out every Wednesday and Saturday.

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