Word from the Lord/ Read in description

3 years ago

Take these words in prayer and consideration for your own confirmation.

Scriptures that goes with the message are in the links provided: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+22&version=KJV https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+2%3B3&version=KJV https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%2014%3A1%2D3&version=KJV

Those who have ears to hear; hear what the spirit is saying to you. Many of you are not prepared as you are doubting that I would come in your lifetime. Your eyes are deceiving you and the lies you speak will only lead you to destruction. You will be the one that will not escape. The snare is the Tribulation. The Great Tribulation. The Rapture is the thief of the night. I would not have told you I'd made a place for you so you could be with me and I would not have sent many warnings to prepare you so you could stand before me. When the time comes, I will send out my Angels to gather the wheat to be harvested from the fruit of the earth. Do not despise my prophecy or my messengers. You either reject or accept this message. I do not force my will on you, but you will live with the consequences for you have chosen to reject this truth and accepted the lies of the devil. Unless you repent and prepare before that time comes. My beloved, do not let them deceive you. Those who are untrained and without the knowledge and my wisdom should be ignored. You are living in a time that is ripe for the harvest and the Day of the Lord shall surely come. Do not be the ones caught in its snare. Behold he who hears what the spirit is saying and keeps the words in my book will I give a reward to my account. Behold, I am coming quickly!

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