Covid-19 (Gossip-19): Flu Season 2, Here Comes The Propaganda Idiots Again...

4 years ago

In Other Words
Bill Gates
And His Ilk,
are nothing more
than Brains
Without souls.

They Are Not
they Can be
easily influenced
by the Pagan
Synagogues and
Pagan Churches,
They are Spiritual.
Actually ½
Pagan Spiritual
and ½ Physical
like The Gates
and Fouci's
of The World...

As a Result,
they exchange
between each other.
But God is Always
in Charge and
Stops Short
all the Messes
they Make
of Our World...
In 2008, Dr. Anthony Fauci co-authored a paper about the Spanish Flu Epidemic that rates as the most devastating modern pandemic. It swept the entire planet in the wake of the First World War and caused millions of deaths. So in studying this major and actual pandemic, what did Dr. Fauci and his colleagues find? They discovered that most of the victims of the Spanish Flu didn't die from the Spanish Flu. They died from bacterial pneumonia. And the bacterial pneumonia was caused by.... wait for it, wait for it.... wearing masks.
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