'Marcus Garvey/MLK suicide letter...' Channel Colossus ep. 8

3 years ago

The sabotaging of Marcus Garvey's return to Africa...

00:-:50 Intro: Ebola
:51-1:53 Marcus Garvey
1:54-2:12 (Liberia, cash crop, [rubber!]
2:13-3:14 president king & sec. of state barclay
3:15-3:53 Intro: FIRESTONE!
3:54-4:55 Channel Colossus Intro...!
4:56-6:37 no D.A.N. debates
6:38-9:00 [NEGRO] defined!
9:01-11:39 nov. 27, 2014 (no love!)
11:40-12:13 'racist' redefined...
12:14-12:44 COINTELPRO
12:45-15:16 mlk letter discovered...?
15:17-15:29 Henry VII (england)/MLK comparisons
15:30-16:29 Off yaself!, fraud...
16:30-17:09 'final call' version
17:10-17:59 delusional D.A.N.'s
18:00-19:27 My version...!
19:28-20:44 hoover/obysmal similarities...
20:45-23:29 legalize it...?
23:30-27:44 Texas law (blood drawing)
27:45-28:57 American conspiracy...


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