ShockSumOne "Routine Stop"

4 years ago

Written, recorded, mixed and mastered by: Christopher Leigh Arrick
Instrumental by: Keifer Gr33n

Routine Stop
I’m so high crusin' in my ride down the interstate when I see the red and blue lights
(Shit) Pulling off to the side trying to find a place to hide my weed and my pipe
But I know my smoke too loud roll down my window as the officer approaches
Hand out my registration and license right away he notices
Do you know why I pulled you over (no sir) you were swervin' a bit
Do have any weapons inside them vehicle I see you have a carry permit
No officer it’s not on my person it’s at home locked up
Are you under the influence of marijuana I could smell the fragrance when I walked up
If you cooperate it’ll save us both a headache maybe we can work something out
Yes sir I was smoking earlier but I’m not high right now
Can I have you please exit the car and show me exactly where it is
Anything else I need to know about in the automobile before I search it
(No sir that’s all) I’m gonna confiscate this and let you off with a warning thanks for your honesty not gonna ruin your life for a little bit of weed

I’m so high Cruising down the highway
Speeding in the right lane Cop pulling me over
(Pig) Profiling cause my flat bill on backwards
I didn’t do shit bro
Strollin' up to my window he asked me to roll it down but I only crack it he asked again I said I didn’t have ta I have rights as a citizen And you got me stopped for nothing
Young man my reason is you were speeding
You’re making this a bigger scene this evening
I believe I smell weed Please remove your keys And exit with your hands where I can see them
Listen I ain’t got shit you trippin'
Can you just give me a ticket so I can go home?
No I’m afraid we’re past that
Should’ve done what I asked from the get go
Now I’m gonna ask one more time and if you don’t comply I’m going to have to use force
Put down your phone and open the door slow
Go find the real criminals and leave me alone

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