Nikki Haley is a Neo-Con Extraordinaire and Amazingly Tone Deaf

4 years ago

Do you like Middle Eastern Wars? Do you like capitulating on every major point to the rabid insanity of the Democrats? Do you like someone who preaches morals and morality, yet sleeps around behind closed doors? Do you think Big Tech is a microscopic problem in comparison to compassion and feelings? Do you like Dark Money PAC's that only enrich yourself and not the party you think is in such great need of reformation? THEN DO I HAVE THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE FOR YOU!!!

Nikki Haley (Ben Shapiro's "Spirit Animal") is the immigrant Bush-ite that the Neo-Conservative establishment has had wet dreams over for decades. Someone who could put a slimy veneer on their failing policies and repackage them because she is a Woman of Color, not a competent Politician (or anything for that matter...).

The Stacy Abrahams of the Right has stabbed the only man who gave her a job in Politics (U.N. Ambassador) in the back and sided with the Liz Cheney's of the Right by throwing President Trump under the bus; formally this time. She has bet that the direction of the Republican Party is that of the Bush/McCain/Romney coalition and not the overwhelming data that suggests the populist surge is here to stay.

Even if I didn't despise her policies, I couldn't vote for someone so brazenly out of touch with reality.

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