Episode 21: W/ Robert Bitto (Monsters of Mexico)

4 years ago

Hey everyone, thanks for stopping in and checking out our latest episode. Hope y'all are staying safe and healthy out there, today's guest is Robert Bitto from mexicounexplained.com. Podcast host Robert Bitto has had over 25 years of experience in Mexico, as a student, as an employee for a large multinational corporation, and as an owner of an imports business – Sueños Latin American Imports – since 1999. He was a professional researcher by trade from 1990-1993, and in addition to his MBA and BBA, he holds an MA in Latin American Studies from the University of New Mexico.

Mexico Unexplained depends on the contributions of the listeners for support. Please consider helping us out to the extent you can. They will be able to continue their research and produce quality shows through the generosity of their listening audience.

Do you have any ideas or feedback you’d like to give? Please connect with them through their website at mexicounexplained.com.

You can also find them on Facebook at Mexico Unexplained as well as on Twitter at @MxUnexplained

Please subscribe to their channel on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4VejBKo–c_-0PqLUxOcwQ


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