Losing you

3 years ago

When I lost you, I lost me.
This Right Here
Anything that I could say right now
Would only be a pale reflection of what I feel
Won't you let me just look at you?
Our eyes are the windows to our souls, and
They will show one another all there is to know
About the things that I'd like you to understand
Hold my hand and listen with your skin
Let your inner senses take me in
And we will go beyond words
Like a wish that's remained concealed
Like a wound that has never healed
And the secret language of the heart
I summoned you to me
As the missing part of my life's design
Your destiny's linked with mine
Look at the stars, it's written there
That you and I were meant to share
A sense of belonging
That we will not find elsewhere
I'll say a prayer
As I light these candles for you
An offering to your unspoken wish…
Markéta Irglová

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