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The Woods - 02/12/2021

4 years ago

02/12/2021 - Wildlife in the Woods. Nature's beauty. Watch and Enjoy!

For more videos like this one, go to my Channel “TheWoods”

The day was filled with a drizzling sky made worse by the heavy fog and living on a ridge high in the low-lying clouds. As afternoon began to turn to evening, there was a break in the fog showing a single cardinal. Folklore has it that the cardinal is the presence of a lost loved one reminding us that they are still with us in spirit.

As the evening turns to darkness, the fog and clouds make the dark darker. The creatures of the night come out driven by the desire to feed yet their awareness is high as the dark hides the presence of predators that may prowl nearby hidden by the dark and their scent masked by the cold damp drizzle.

All is well and life goes on – this night. But what about the next. Life isn’t always sunny and bright. Darkness comes bringing uncertainty and fears. Enjoy what is around you. No matter what someone may do for you or to you, it is up to you and you alone how you deal with it. It’s not always easy. Make good choices. Life is easier that way.

God bless you!