Flawedcast Ep #66: "Repressive Tolerance And Cancel Culture"

3 years ago

In this episode, we discuss what "Repressive Tolerance" and cancel culture are, as we attempt to illuminate our audience as to the eminent threat these subversive ideologies represent.

Get In The Arena!!

Repressive Tolrance



Cancel Culture (or call-out culture) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cancel_...​

Woke - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dicti...​

CNN’s Brian Stelter wants ‘liar’ Fox News’ influence reduced, claims it’s not ‘censorship’: ‘Freedom of speech is not the same as freedom of reach’ - https://zpatriot.com/2021/02/01/cnns-...​

Black Lives Matter nominated for Nobel peace prize - https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/bl...​

Pro-Abortion Group Crashes Church Service, Shouts Profanities - https://www.newswars.com/video-pro-ab...​

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