Reasoning With God - Michael Bossman, Conor Anderson, Evan Young

3 years ago

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At the beginning of a new school year, most students are worrying about settling into their dorm room with a new roommate, finding their classrooms, or how they're going to pay for textbooks. Their parents may be worrying about how well their child will do academically and hoping they stay out of trouble. But if you are a Christian student or parent you may be worrying about how you, or your child, will survive college or high school with a faith that is intact.

According to recent studies, about 25% of college professors are professing atheists or agnostics whereas only about 7% of the general public are atheists or agnostics. Only 6% of professors believe the bible is the actual word of God and 51% say it's an ancient book with good moral precepts. 75% of teachers and professors say that religion has no place in public schools. With statistics like these, a Christian parent or student has a reason to be worried. In fact, 8 out of 10 young people will leave the faith due to questions they encounter in public school.

But today on Education For Life, Kevin is joined by three guests who are actively working to turn the tide with the Ratio Christi organization. Ratio Christi means "The Reason of Christ". Kevin will speak with Michael Bossman, Vice President of Ratio Christi, Conor Anderson, Chapter Director, and Evan Young, a student who has been mentored by Ratio Christi members. Their mission is to equip university students and faculty to give historical, philosophical, and scientific reasons for following Jesus Christ. They aim to show young adults how reasonable a belief in Christ really is.

Tune in to hear the amazing testimony of these three men and learn about the purpose of Ratio Christi. The learn more about Ratio Christi and their program you can visit You can also get involved and be a mentor for a student or schedule a member to run an apologetics class at your church. There are many ways to get involved and you can view them all at You can also donate to Ratio Christi to support their mission at

This episode first aired on July 30, 2016.
Educate For Life with Kevin Conover airs Saturdays, 2-3 PM PT.
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