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15 seconds

15 seconds

Cool Rock 2

4 years ago

Early on in my endeavor to learn guitar. I tried my hand at some rock. I had unusually great difficulty in finding the right notes to play against the jam track. As a result, it sounds very atonal in large part. There are of course errors in playing as well. Interestingly, I still like it. It seems a handful of others do as well on my Youtube Channel . Its long. Almost 8 minutes. But thats so I don't have to keep "rewinding" to practice with it.

The jam track: https://youtu.be/MyQwZC7vgQ0

The creator of the jam track: Elevated Jamhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqAZJmEC2-C9roOB4vgzROA

My personal Youtube Channel:

Regarding the jam track:
Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)