Prophecy: The Apocalypse & Meteor Judgement is coming! Repent!

4 years ago

YAHUSHUA, also called Jesus Christ is the Only Way to Heaven ! (John 14:6). Do you know HIM as your Saviour ? If not, please watch this video here:

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Judgement is coming, turn away from your sins and turn to YAHUSHUA / Jesus Christ. Repent and ask HIM to cleanse you of your sins by HIS Shed Blood at Calvary. Judgement is for the ungodly, those who hate YAHUVEH God. But those who are HIS True Children and who are not lukewarm have nothing to fear.

Judgement, Meteor Destruction, volcanoes, tusnamis, disease (Coronavirus/Covid 19 is just an example) and devastation are coming. This is a Prophetic Warning, Prophecy 74 from Amightywind.

Excerpt from Prophecy 74

it is I, YAHUVEH, the Creator of not only this planet but all that lies in between, and I shall cast forth the rocks from the Sky. And just as in Sodom and Gomorrah and the seven cities besides I am the same YAHUVEH that destroyed Ninevah. Although I gave her time to repent in the end, was she not destroyed? I am the same YAHUVEH, the same Ancient of Days and what I did once before, I shall do once again. You’re so busy with your wars, you do not even fear nor notice ME, as again and again I give you signs in the sky and doom comes closer to thee. But not for MY Children, oh you think they are so ignorant and naive, but you forget oh evil ones of Lucifer, that they truly belong to ME. They don’t have the money to prepare, but they know they have a Heavenly Father YAHUVEH who cares It will be MY Angels arms that shelter them from the wrath that comes from the sky. For the Governments take your money and they go and they say they will conquer outer space. Since when did I give them the planets, for they have not even taken care of that which I have given.
Oh why do the masses stay silent? For even some of the heathen know that the laws now that are being passed are making them shudder and shake. I am YAHUVEH and the evil ones of this earth I do hate. I am the same yesterday and forever. I will not change just for the whim of a man. America, you say you need no God? When even the heathen nations bow to a foreign God. For they know by in themselves they are nothing, for they desire a higher power and although it be false, at least they acknowledge they are not a God. Oh but you evil, evil, evil nation of America. I speak not of MY Children, MY sheep and MY lambs. I speak of you evil politicians and warmongers who go to try and conquer space as well as every nation in this land.

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