Sm biz owners need innovative brokers for quality health plans-Todd Marley-Plan Panoptic Grp Benefit

3 years ago

Obama’s Affordable Care Act exempted small business owners from the law’s requirements if they hired less than 50 employees, but these entrepreneurs never have had many affordable or high-quality choices to insure their workers. Entrepreneurs by definition are the problem solvers on whom society relies, so we need to care how they can access better benefits to recruit and retain key employees.

Growing up in a household selling Prudential Insurance, Todd rebelled against the status quo, went independent, and developed the “pro-life” group benefit that helps employers help their workers while helping themselves. Mr. Marley upgraded this system into “Plan Panoptic” - bypassing traditional insurance, emphasizing wellness, broadening networks, and replacing one’s “lease” of benefits with their ownership. Agents nationwide are mopping up this fantastic solution for their local businesses.

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