4 years ago

Who am I and what are my secrets to being the best version of me? Watch this video for some insight on optimal performance.

- Former Professional Boxer - Light-middleweight (164lbs)
- Former Competitive Body Builder - Heavyweight, Masters, Open Class (226lbs - 184lbs)
- 6th Degree Black Belt under Jim 'Smokey' West
- 1st Degree Black Belt
- Gracie JuJitsu GRAPPLE certified
- Former Delta Force Operator and Green Beret
- OGA Paramilitary Operative
- Mercenary - Spear Operations Group
- Dr. of Natural Health
- Former Professor - Intelligence Management (Psychology of Violence, Area Study Analysis, Technical Surveillance, Special Weapons)
- Masters in Business and Organizational Security Management
- Founder - PT. Strategic Outcomes Indonesia
- President - Strategic Outcomes Asia LLC
- President - Risk Control Institute Inc.
- President - Global Security Consultants Inc.
- Co-Founder and Managing Partner - Tier 1 Performance Coaching LLC
- Owner - Comstock's K9 Forces
- Owner - Natural Health Resource Center
- Entrepreneur
- Inventor
- Author
- Actor
- Stuntman
- Movie Producer
- Model
- Radio Talk Show Host
- Global Level Bodyguard - Hong Kong, Mexico, LA...
- Professional K9 Trainer - 41 years Experience
- High-Speed and Technical Driving Instructor - Bill Scott racing
- Locksmith; Surreptitious Methods of Entry and Defense Against Methods of Entry (SMOE DAME) - National Intelligence Academy, Foley Belsaw
- Firearms Instructor (FBI, NRA, Mid-South Inst., U.S. Army)
- Breaching Instructor (explosives, mechanical, manual, ballistic)
- NSA OPSEC Manager
- Combat Tracker Certified
- Small Craft and Waterborne Instructor
- Substance Abuse and Alcohol Management Technician
- Life Coach
- Certified Law Enforcement trainer - National Organization for Chiefs of Police
- Nominee for the National Martial Arts Hall of Fame
- Bus Driver (Like a Boss!)

"A man is what he thinks about all day long."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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