Ra ☼ The Path of the Sun God • A Vision of Ancient Egypt ☥

3 years ago

Ra ☼ The Path of the Sun God • A Vision of Ancient Egypt ☥

Dawn: The Creation
Noon: The Year of the King
Night: The Gates of the Underworld𓏤

RA 𓂋𓂝𓁜 “rˁ” is a dreamlike evocation of ancient Egyptian 𓂋𓐝𓎀𓀂𓀭𓏪 “rmT” beliefs about the Creation and Man's place within it.𓏤

Originally released in 1990, it was shot on 35mm film and combines traditional hand-drawn animation with special effects photography. This streaming video has been fully digitally remastered from the original film.𓏤

RA is a film that defies categorization. The use of symbols to recreate the mental and spiritual world of the ancient Egyptians transports the viewer to a zone which has more in common with Jung than popular representations of ancient Egypt- Beloved Land 𓇾𓌸𓂋𓆵𓇋𓊖𓊖 “tA-meri”.𓏤

RA 𓇳𓏤 is uncompromisingly Egyptian in structure, dispelling the concept of linear time in favor of an eternal present, in a universe where Gods 𓊹𓊹𓊹 “nṯrw” and Man are held in a timeless interconnected cycle of birth 𓄟𓋴𓁒 “ms” and rebirth.𓏤

*¨* The first part of the film is given over to the Egyptian Genesis. The Egyptians had many gods and goddesses and creation myths. Ra brings these myths together in a single version and concentrates on the story of Osiris and Isis and their battle with their evil brother Set. Part two shows the intertwining of the world of the gods with that of the Divine Pharaoh, whom the ancient Egyptians believed to be the son of the Sun God Ra. The life of the Divine Pharaoh is depicted as a journey through the rituals which surround his initiation into temple life. In death, the Pharaoh continues his journey in the Underworld in the boat of the Sun God Ra, travelling through the twelve hours of night and conquering the powers of darkness before being resurrected at the dawn of the new day.

*This video goes with the next one's topic but it's uploaded as a stand alone.



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