ASIA PACIFIC TODAY. Dr Jay Richards & Covid, Lockdowns & China. Peter Kurti & Cancel Culture.

3 years ago


International experts investigating the origins of Covid-19 have all but dismissed a theory that the virus came from a laboratory in China. It would seem that the virus did not come from a lab in wuhan, that the military were not involved, that WHO is hugely influenced by China and that pigs can fly.

Government leaders and public health officials have not provided credible justification for their draconian restrictions on businesses and individuals during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In fact, looking at what’s been happening in places such as California, New York and Washington, and throughout Australia, it appears Government actions have more to do with politics than science.

The lack of transparency and the narrow focus of media on Covid-19 infections has increased public fear and allowed governments the greatest latitude in destroying thousands of small businesses and lives, and taking away individual freedoms.

The headline statistics in the US and in other countries have been alarming but do we expect to see a downturn in infections soon – and not just because of the vaccine.

We're joined by Dr Jay Richards, a Research Assistant Professor in the Busch School of Business at The Catholic University of America, author of many books including New York Times bestsellers.

His most recent book written with Professors William Briggs, and Douglas Axe, The Price of Panic: How the Tyranny of Experts Turned a Pandemic Into a Catastrophe – is a worthwhile read.

Cancel Culture is a growing, malignant disease that will remove our valued traditions and sow growing dissent.

In Australia, views that are at odds with progressive or woke causes are silenced. Demands for censorship of the Politically Incorrect are coming from senior politicians and representatives of the left, academe, mainstream media and a host of organisations, many of whom are active in promoting disinformation and division.

Deconstruction of history, re-education of children and the masses to accept radical theories of race and gender equality, Big Tech and State censorship and divided, unhappy communities should be rejected.

In the United States, radical race-based and social justice and criminal “reforms” are being imposed, along with threats from the new administration to hunt down supporters of the previous Administration and censor “disinformation” via a new Federal Agency. Collusive and extensive censorship by Big Tech and mainstream media, and social media manipulation go unhindered. Violence and Crime are spiraling out of control in US cities that have long been governed by Democrats.

Is this “only in America” and why aren't Australian politicians and community leaders engaging more actively in the Cultural “Wars” and protecting Australian traditions, free speech and individual liberties?

We catch up with Peter Kurti, Director of Culture, Prosperity & Civil Society program at The Centre for Independent Studies.

ASIA PACIFIC TODAY, February 10, 2021

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