Thinking Outside The Box

4 years ago

I've been trying to figure out ways to get this information out to people so that they are able to make informed decisions before receiving the vaccine. This is one of the ways that I've come up with.
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
James 1:5 KJV

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 1:7 KJV

Take The Vaccine - Become A Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) 

Seriously. Don't Take The Vaccine.
Don't Let Anyone You Love Take The Vaccine. 

Check out some stuff that I dug up on the covid-19 vaccination. it is not a true vaccination, but a therapy. I say Therepy because there are not any living organisms being introduced to either develop an immunity to the virus or the ability to stop from passing it along. In fact, the vaccine does neither of these. Only modification of your DNA sequencing using gene therepy. By modifying your DNA, your own body is not recognized by your immune system, thus bringing about an immune response of raising your peptides and creating protiens to develop the RNA Recubnent into a New Link in Your (Newly Formed) DNA strands, creating the desired response of resisting the strain of virus most likely to mutate into. As such, The Covid Vax Makers (like Phizer and Merc) are not liable for Death or Injury due to vaccine legislation introduce back in the 80's, BUT if introduced as a Therapy, people would begin to question what other therapies are there? or how does it work? or how long have you been using it? or how successful is it? or Are There any Harmful Side Effects? And the KICKER would be, that as a Therapy, They Would All Be Held Liable For Each Death and Every Injury Suffered after receiving their Treatment.

A genetically modified organism (GMO) is what you will become when you become vaccinated."

Yes. You read right. You will become a GMO. We have a new cellular and molecular therapy called CRISPR Gene Technology, which is injected with the "vaccine."

Using CRISPR gene technology, they are able to go in and snip out undesirable portions of your DNA and insert desirable portions through recubnent RNA.

Voila! You have now become a genetically modified organism.

But wait! There's more!

Where would they happen to get recubnent RNA in the first place?

well, that's a little bit more difficult to explain, but there is such a thing as cloning these days.

Yes. That is right. Cloning. It has been around for a while now.

Well, you see, there was a baby growing in somebody's belly at some point. As it turns out, she did not want the little boy that grew inside her belly. So, she aborted it. After they sucked this little boy's body parts out of her womb in pieces, they harvested and kept his stem cells around to experiment on. There was a fuss about stem cells back in the late 80's and early 90's because the President limited scientists to a limited number of stem cell lines they could have available, but, of course, the scientists wanted more stem cells, even if it meant more dead babies, but... Thankfully, they didn't get them. They have been cloning the same stem cell lines ever since.

Well, guess what?

They are included in your friendly covid-19 vaccination.

If that doesn't scare you enough, I would like to point you towards the Book of Giants, which is a non-canonical book written by Enoch, of  the old testament around the same time of  Genesis and Noah in Bible lore. For those of you who do not know the Bible or the books of Enoch very well, allow me to refresh you a little. Enoch was mentioned in Genesis right around the same time as Noah. Enoch tells the story of the angels falling and mating with the human women spoken of in those days and corrupting all on the Earth, creating offspring known as the Nephilim. Enoch tries to intercede between the Giant offspring of the Nephilim and God, because not all of the Giants were evil. God tells them that he did not sanction their lives, therefore they are not able to enter Heaven. Then, God wipes them all off of the face of the planet with a nice refreshing drink of Shut The F**k Up in the flood, along with everyone else on the planet except for Noah, his wife,his sons and their wives, who escaped the Wrath of God in the form of a great deluge, by the seat of their britches, in their new Houseboat they just got through building. Oh, yeah. A bunch of animals escaped with them, too.

Check out some of the sh#t that I found from more recent times...,be%20found%20in%20the%20genome.

Hey! When GOD is removed, and Man adds his two hands into Creation, All I See Is Trouble!

Will you enter Heaven?

#Covid #Vaccine #GMO #GeneticallyModifiedOrganism #GMO #Monsanto #Scripps #CRYSPR #DNA #RNA #Abortion #FetalTissue #Clone #Cellular #Mollecular #Recubnant #WhatCouldGoWrong #BeGoodLittleSheeple #NWO #Agenda2021 #CellularTherapyNotAVaccine #GeneticTechnology #Nephelim #Enoch #Noah #Giants #Spiritual #MarkOfTheBeast #Heaven #Revelation13 #Armageddon #BookOfLife #UnsanctionedLifeForms

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,  And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
Hebrews 6:4‭-‬5 KJV
Please excuse my brevity.

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