"How Important Is Prayer" pt.1

3 years ago

"How Important Is Prayer?" Pt.-1 — (Nick Champlin, Sunday Feb 7, 2021)

"And he was teaching them and saying to them, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a House Of Prayer for all the nations." —Mark 11:17​

Prayer cannot be just a “ministry” Of the church. It must become the CULTURE of the church. To be a HOUSE Of PRAYER that the Holy Spirit is flowing through, prayer must become the default starting point AND the ongoing function in every member and ministry of the church.

There are 3 types of churches:
(1) Churches who pray when there’s an emergency
(2) Churches who have a Prayer Ministry, and…
(3) Churches permeated with a Prayer Culture

The church permeated with a Prayer Culture is a church baptized with a Holy Spirit Culture.
Modern churches have thought, “P&W will bring down a Holy Spirit Culture”. But congregations who don’t pray together can sing...enthusiastically. The Holy Spirit didn’t rush, like a mighty wind, into a room of believers who were teaching and singing together. He filled believers who were Praying Together.

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