Kyra Leigh, Author of Reaper, is Teaching a 2-Day Workshop

4 years ago

Join Kyra Leigh at WIFYR 2021's 2-day Workshop showing you exactly what you need to do to fix the murky middle of your novel.

Do you love starting a new story, only to find that once you make your way into the middle of the book you’re stumped? THE DREADED MURKY MIDDLES!

In this 2-day workshop, we’ll go through 2,000 words from your novel, plus find a way to not only get through the middle, but also make it shine.

Please bring:

2,000 words from the middle of your novel
the plots points of your book
what your story is about, in 25 words or less
how you would pitch your book to an agent
Kyra’s Bio

This class caps at 15.

Registration for this workshop includes the Afternoon Sessions on Monday and Tuesday. You can add the three remaining days of afternoon sessions for $99 at checkout.

Note: Registration for this workshop does not include an agent/editor consultation.

Early Bird Price: $225
After March 1: $275

Go to to register today!

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