Manifest whatever you want | The Genie Script | Wesley virgin | Manifestation

3 years ago

Manifest whatever you want | The Genie Script | Wesley virgin | Manifestation

Genie Script:​

What is Genie Script:
The Genie Script is Wesley's new 30-day program where he shows you how he applied a unique meditative technique to manifest a better financial, emotional, and mental life for himself.

By the way, I found this article helpful regarding explaining what The Genie Script is→​

In the program, he talked about how this transformative style of meditating effectively conditioned his mind for success and singlehandedly took him from being dead broke into making his first 1 million dollars.

I know you might be thinking - Does that stuff really work? Well, again, if I'm being sincere, I was initially skeptical at first because of all of the fake gurus out there on the internet. Because what made me keep listening to Wesley Virgin were his treasure trove of proofs. This dude literally documented every major milestone success he had and it felt like I was watching someone's biography being played out.

Another thing I can attest to about his program is the depth of quality research that went into it. This isn't a typical course program where a hungry dude just does an admixture of information, packages them, and tries to sell it at a premium price. I can genuinely attest to the fact that the level of research that went into this program was mind-blowing and I found the information he was sharing highly practicable.

I've heard a lot of self-help gurus like Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins, Eric Thomas, etc. speak on the subject of success meditation. But in my own evaluation, what Wesley Virgin shares in his program seems fresh and very intuitive.

And considering that he isn't just spitting things he hasn't tested, I was open-minded and confident enough to commit to the program. And just to stress on last thing before I go on to talk about the resources in his program, if you are going to get results from this program, you'd have to be very open-minded. I didn't come into it with an attitude that suggests that I knew better than the trainer. Since my results weren't better than his, I simply opened up my mind to absorb his knowledge like a sponge.

You can read more about the program here →​

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