Anyone Besides Me Sick of This BS? February 8, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Anyone Besides Me Sick of This BS? February 8, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

This year has been brutal. Everywhere you look the good people of this country and most of the rest of the world are hip-deep in a sea of nothing but lies and corporate manipulation.

Yes, Corporate, as in Corporate Feudalism.

The Robber Barons are using the Corporations and the Corporations are using the Politicians and the Politicians are using everyone else. Got the picture?

Know which receiving end you are on?

The politicians used to be the weak link because of elections, but now they just dial-a-victory using computers and fraudulently elect whomever they please.

The next weakest link in this chain are the corporations themselves and you all need to get on board to bust them.

The corporations are being manipulated by fear and by “government” regulations which are really designed to make the corporations into political tools for the government.

Look at the illegal and immoral Internal Revenue scheme— “they” make the corporations that hire you into their bill collectors and revenue agents. You are not subject to the Federal Income Tax. You are not a Federal PERSON—- but the business you work for probably is.

So the rats order your Employer to do the dirty work of stealing from and enslaving you to pay taxes that you don’t owe.

Same thing with censorship of news and opinions about the virus. The virus is patented. It’s an invention by Gates, Fauci, Soros and the rest of the miscreants.

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