Tim Eyman at the Let’s commit an Act of Free Speech, and get arrested rally in Olympia

3 years ago

We would prefer to commit Acts of Free Speech without arrest. However, under Washington State Governor Jay Inslee’s weird, randomly changing lockdown world dictates and Washington State Attorney General Bob Fergusons’ total abandonment of the rule of law, equal protection under the law, and Ferguson’s willingness to suspend the Constitutional rights of citizens in Washington State, their threats of arrest for committing free speech needs to be exposed as either empty threats or the total abuse of a government out of control. These threats have recently been directed at people who dare to exercise their right to freedom of assembly and free speech at the State Capital, on the campus, during the legislative session, and are primarily directed at citizens who dare to be heard, have a microphone, and speakers that “touch the ground.” This is absurd. We will explain why later in this article, but first, let’s talk about this informal event next Saturday, February 6, 2021 at noon on the capital campus:

We will peacefully assemble at noon on Saturday, February 6th on the Capital Campus grounds somewhere between the fountain and the fencing which has been erected to keep us little people and peasants away from our capital buildings.
While we are not asking for permission to commit free speech or assemble, it is no secret, and we will inform the Washington State Dept. of Enterprise Services and the State Patrol about our intentions.
We will use a microphone, speakers on stands and a power supply in order for our free speech to be heard, just like citizens have been doing in this same place and same manner for the last 100+ years (since electricity has been used to power speakers). Note: This is specifically what the people have been threatened with arrest, over the past few weeks.
Dress like citizens who want to meet with your legislators (some legislators will probably be at this event) – THIS is not a 2nd Amendment protest, This is not the time to wear tactical gear, carry long guns or dress in black block gear – people doing that at THIS event are probably agitators who want to disrupt the event (see the recent actions at the nearby hotel – story linked here). Leftists have repeatedly committed violence and actions of intimidation in Olympia for several years now with few consequences, and we will be pointing them out at this event if they choose to show up. However, we are not going there for a confrontation with the crazies.
ALL we want to do is PEACEFULLY ASSEMBLE for a few hours, Commit Acts of Free Speech (mainly discussing the lack of access to our legislators, concerns about proposed legislation, or the endless lockdown world Inslee has created. When we are done, we will peacefully head home, like we always do.
It isn’t more complicated than this. This is sponsored by no formal organization. Just regular citizens who want to assemble and speak and be heard without threat of arrest. If the state chooses to arrest us for committing a crime of free speech and peaceful assembly, as they have threatened others over the last few weeks, then they are free to do so – and the attendees can document the event for all to witness. Either they have been bluffing and lying using intimidation and threats to silence people over the past few weeks, or they are serious about their efforts to silence us. Let’s see which one it is.

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