"Sedition" - grindcore

4 years ago

A short protest song. Very short, very protest-y.

This song is available exclusively at

BandCamp: http://bit.ly/2Vnz2r1

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Song copyright 2021 by Hopalong Ginsberg

Video copyright 2021 by Hopalong Ginsberg. Background excerpted from "Martyrs of the Alamo" (1915), a work in the public domain.

Written by Hopalong Ginsberg.

Performed and programmed by Hopalong Ginsberg.

Contact: hopalongginsberg at gmail dot com

I won’t hide behind a mask!
The election was invalid!
I will not give up my guns
Or call a man a woman!

I will not accept the blame
For the crimes of others!
Violence is not free speech!
Free speech is not violence!

I will not submit!

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