Reclaiming The Spirit of 1776:

3 years ago

I am Laurie Thomas Vass, and this podcast is a copyrighted production of the CLP News Network.
We begin our advocacy of creating a new constitution with a criticism of the sloppy intellectual offering of The President's Advisory 1776 Commission, which co-joins and conflates the principles of liberty in the Declaration, with Madison’s class-based, flawed Constitution of 1787.
The writers of the President's Advisory 1776 Commission continue the historical charade that the two documents are linked.
As an example of a professional historian making this charade, in Property and the Pursuit of Happiness, Edward J. Erler uses the vague phrase “the founders” to refer to both the patriots of 1775, and to the 38 elites who signed Madison’s constitution, in 1787.
Erler’s intent is to show that the American Founders, who signed the Constitution, regarded the Declaration of Independence as “the authoritative source of the principles of the Constitution.”

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