SFG Square Foot Garden 2015 06 - Animal invasion, eating greens, training peas

3 years ago

Welcome to Humbleville !! In this video we will give you an update on the progress of our six 4x4 SFG raised bed gardens. The grape tomato plant has nearly a dozen early green tomatoes. See how we responded with mosquito netting to combat "Munchie" the unidentified animal who seems to like our kale, brussels sprouts, cabbage and broccoli. We have been eating quite a bit of spinach, arugula and lettuce along with some nice looking radishes. We are looking to leave on a week's vacation and this is our pre-trip documentation. Will our square foot garden survive? Will my girls eat spinach? How do we train up our peas? Have a visit to Humbleville to find out. Please continue to join us on our journey by SUBSCRIBING to this channel. It really helps. Thank you and God Bless !!

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