Covid Oppression is 1965 Jim Crow Denial of Service

3 years ago

What we’re doing with Covid oppression, Covid Tierney, is not protecting people from the common cold, what we’re doing is denying people service and reducing the quality of customer service to pre-1965 Jim Crowe.

I believe that was the American communist plan. They’re still upset about how we made them stop doing Jim Crowe the first time. Covid oppression is edict-order now, Jim Crowe was also the law in the states. Covid oppression and Jim Crowe were both “mandated by the state.“

Covid oppression, and faceaphobia Is hatred and violation of human rights. Oppression of healthy people is a moral crime. It’s immoral and evil to force healthy people to behave as if they were sick, because you are mentally sick.... And a communist. Leftists are not hiring anymore about that fact. They are the Nazis and they are the communists. Do you want to know how a Nazi looks like? A Nazi acts like the person who harasses you for not wearing a mask. That’s Nazism.

These are all the Jim Crowe style statements and treatments that we get now, that people also got before Martin Luther King Jr fought the Democrats in 1965.....

“you have to stay outside sir,”
“please wait outside,”
“separated but equal service for your Covid social distancing outdoor dining and curbside pickup,”
“go to the side door and the back door to get your food sir,”
“People with your beliefs are not welcome in our establishment.”
“I wish you all (Maga people/Frontline Doctors) could be removed from society”
“I’ll take it out to you but you can’t come in the establishment sir,”
“you need to wear a gold star sir or else we’re going to punish you,”
“we should inject all those undesirable deplorable‘s and put them all in camps,”
“you can’t sit at the table sir,”
“you can come in that door but you can’t come in that door this door is the exit, this prevents Covid,”
“I don’t like seeing their faces,”

“people like you (physically healthy, anti-communist, constitutional, face-loving, free spirited Americans who refuse to have Munchausen Syndrome) are not welcome in our establishment,”

“we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone,”
“Your rights end where my business establishment begins.”
“walk on the other side of the aisle please,”
“don’t walk on the same side of the aisle as me.”
“Get away for me you disgusting creature,”
“don’t touch me you leper,”
“no bathrooms for you,”
“I’m gonna call the cops on you.”

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