4 years ago

It’s 2021, all eyes are on America. But is she even mentioned in bible prophecy? Could a war that results in her "sudden destruction" actually be foretold in the book of Jeremiah 50? Today on “End Times For The Believer” prophecy update, Dr. Bruce Ruisi of Sheepsong Ministries takes us through the characteristics of the Babylon of Jeremiah 50, and compares them to Modern America. While many have understood Jeremiah 50 to be a reference to the destruction of Ancient Babylon, there is compelling evidence that there is a reference to a future Babylon, a parallel to the mystery Babylon of Revelation 18.

For centuries now, there have been predictions of a coming invasion from the north upon America that would lead to her complete and sudden destruction. The very founding father President George Washington himself, had a vision of later day America and an invasion that would destroy her from within. Since then, there have been compelling predictions correlating such devastation that will occur within her walls at the coinciding time that the world would enter into what the Bible refers to as the “great tribulation” aka. “The Day of the LORD”.

Today’s prophecy update is an overview of just some of the recent current world events and predictions that elude to a coming “sudden destruction” via war/civil war within the very walls of America the Great. These events and predictions appear to align with scripture, and therefore, we must pay attention to the signs. Bible prophecy is ramping up to lightening speed, and with tribulation events starting to cast their shadow, believers can rest assured that the next major event on God's prophetic time clock is the RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH! The future may seem dim in light of this years events, but for believers there is a true light shining in the midst of this darkness, but unless you GET YOUR SPIRITUAL HOUSE IN ORDER NOW, the light might be removed and you left behind. Are you ready??? Because there truly is no going back to the way things were, there is only going through or out just prior to a time the WORD describes as unlike any time ever before or will be ever again. It is a time of great sorrow, and yet GOD through His word teaches us that for the believer, there is hope. Hope has a name, and His name is Jesus Christ. While the condition of the world around us continues down a collision course trajectory, we as believers can be encouraged during these end times. The Bible is replete with insight into what the apostle Paul writes regarding “OUR BLESSED HOPE”. And the very words of Jesus Christ Himself were, "when you see these things begin to take place, then LOOK UP for your redemption is at the door! It truly is OUR BLESSED HOPE during these trying times!!! Weary believer be encouraged….WE ARE ALMOST HOME!!!
Links from today’s update:
Henry Gruver Russian Invasion of America:​

Dumitru Duduman: China and Russia Will Attack America:​

It is a weekly end times update led by Dr. Bruce Ruisi of Sheepsong Ministries that is designed to equip the believer with a hopeful perspective of the end times. Many Christians relate bible prophecy to "doom and gloom", and for the unbeliever, this may be true. But for the believer, this is the most exciting time to be alive. God chose us to be present for this final generation, and for good reason. We are to fight the good fight of faith, and lead as many to the cross as we can before the judgement falls upon the world. In order to be effective in these final moments, we must view prophecy through a hopeful perspective. God didn't birth us into this final generation just so that we could fearfully wait in disbelief of the chaos all around us. He wants us to be fully-equipped to win souls, and to encourage the weary soul with the hope of the gospel until the midnight hour strikes, and we which are alive and remain are "caught up".
Dr. David Jeremiah:​...
JD Farag:​...
Hal Lindsay:
Dr. Chuck Missler:​...
Dr. Gary Stearman:​...
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#MysteryBabylon​ #Jeremiah50​ #AmericaWar

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