Becca Murder - “Door”

3 years ago

“Didn’t know if I was rude to walk in your realm if that was crude
One more sense suppressed so I don’t feel
Smile and hide my possession
The tides have turned now we have won
Can you tell my love is real?
Hell fire will feed
Obey the holy creed
If I keep you awake
Your life is mine to take
They don’t even know who they are
I won’t ignore it anymore
Stars are telling me to settle the score
They already all know you
They already all want you
Demons are whispering create a Door
Don’t let the nightmare through
Call on her if you do
She can see your star
Within her protection
We can travel around the sun
Blood drawn on Mars
You felt my star
Fought the terror
Used your power
To help me close the Door
Guard me from the horror
That I let through
Stars are telling me to call on you
Then they succumbed to her light
To witness it you must ring true
Demons are whispering like they always do
She opened a Door to bright light
While I’m still warm from birth
In a state of fight or flight
A Door to Mars from Earth
Can you see that bright light
She helped me see my star
I gazed upon her sight
Frozen forevermore” - Becca Murder

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