Black Triangle over Missouri! Really interesting MUFON case. Government, aliens or Chinese lanterns?

3 years ago

MUFON Case No. 113563 - Kearney, Missouri, United States on Feb. 6th, 2021 at 6:49PM

Short Description of Sighting Report:
5 red lights with 3 in formation of a triangle, 2 not in triangle that disappeared

Long Description of Sighting Report:
We were leaving my mother in law's house and driving out of her subdivision when I saw them and pointed them out to my wife. We live within 20 miles of Kansas City International and see planes coming for approach on a regular basis and know what a plane looks like, These were just read glowing and no distinguishable marks. Lead 3 were in a rigid never changing triangle shape 2 following one merged with the triangle and the other just faded away. This was all to the southeast of our location and they were traveling south to southwest. The Triangle eventually faded out. or turn away so that we could no longer see it. Very brief visually. I am a trained observer from my time in the US Navy and never seen anything like this ever, Not Chinese lanterns or anything else. I have a very short video from my phone but it is not good quality

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