How can a Christian vote Democrat? | Dr Michael Brown

4 years ago

The political divide in our country could not be further apart. On one hand, you have conservatives and the claimed Republican platform that stands for morality, personal responsibility and life. On the other hand, you have progressive and Democrat platform that stands for immorality, victimhood and is pro-abortion. For many, myself include, the question becomes: How can a Christian vote for a Democrat? Dr Michael Brown joins this episode of Conversations with Jeff to share his perspective on this extremely polarizing question.

In the book Church & State: How the Left Used the Church to Conquer America, Dr Brown's chapter explained his understanding of why many Christians choose to vote Democrat time and time again. While he was a supporter of President Donald Trump, he understand the reasoning that many of his Democrat brothers and sisters in Christ had for voting for Joe Biden this last time around. Now, that does not mean that he agrees with them, by any means. What it comes down to is needing to have more conversations with people that we disagree with in order to reason with them using Scripture and Truth.

I would make the argument that it is a sin to vote Democrat. When you look at their stated platform, it is completely anti-God and promotes the murdering of babies in the womb. I cannot understand any argument made to vote for that horrific slate of policies proposed by the Democrat Party. However, I've also been critical of many Christian pastors who claim that you cannot be a Christian if you vote Democrat. That is also unbiblical. Christians can and do sin all the time. Voting Democrat is a sin, from my perspective... a sin that needs to be repented from. So, while you could make the argument that Matthew 18 comes into play with a believer who voted for Joe Biden, voting Democrat is not a disqualifier from salvation, and it's vitally important to make that distinction.

Dr Michael Brown, as always, approaches this topic to grace and love, which I always appreciate about him. As always, with many of my guests and people that I talk to, I do not agree with everything that he says. With that said, I appreciate his wisdom in this important topic as we try to wade these new waters here in America of how do we save our nation. If we are going to take it back from the Progressive, Globalist, Socialist, Communist and Marxists, we are first going to have to get in the head of those that think it is best to vote for these anti-God politicians. Once we understand their rationale, then we can reason with them and counter their arguments. I hope that this mentality is what you take away from this conversations with Dr Michael Brown.

This topic is further discussed in the new book Church & State: How the Left Used the Church to Conquer America. This was a group book project published by The GK Publishing, which includes amazing authors such as Pastor Greg Locke, Denise McAllister, Dr Michael Brown, Pastor Cary Gordon, Jeff Dornik, JD Rucker, Pastor Ken Peters, Dr Robert Oscar Lopez, Dr Mike Spaulding, Pastor Sam Jones and Dustin Faulkner. This book will expose the strategy at play by the Left in targeting the Evangelical Church, infiltrate it and then ultimately conquer America. Order your copy today at and use code MICHAEL for 10% off.

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