There won't be any roads left open in London at this rate - Wrongthink #7

3 years ago

I nearly succumb to an avalanche after failing to obtain survival skills from Bear Grylls when I had the chance.

I then get into a bit of a rant about the Cars, Motorcycles and buses being banned from the busy Strand and Aldwych junction in London.

I document how Camden council set up closing off one lane of Jamestown road to all traffic except for bicycles and motorcycles being pushed. But the council met some backlash with the road signs and planter being damaged upon installation.

London councils seem to have gone road closing mad, citing the coof as a wonderful opportunity to go full speed ahead with their crazy road closures which in some cases is being used to introduce more revenue-raising CCTV surveillance of the motoring public.

If you wish to read more about the Aldwych changes they can be read here:-


Any complaints or negative observations about my riding skills (or lack of) must be directed to . All the bits that look dangerous or illegal are CGI or performed only in the viewers' mind and didn't really happen. Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.

#london #road #closures


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