Biden's VERY creepy press briefing! Feb. 5, 2021

3 years ago

It was a creepy atmosphere. Yesterday our nation and the world saw El Presidente Bido take to the stage like a spy who had just come in from the cold before walking to the podium --- and like an empty suit, began to narrate in low mumbling tones from a teleprompter on LIVE TV --- explaining his handler's new globalist foreign policy that will be implemented by his shadow administration. He said "Amerika is back", but back from where? He said he had been shot at, but evidently the would-be assassin had missed their target. Then he turned to one side and feebly asked his Marxist VP for directions (watch carefully as she discreetly points with her finger in the opposite direction so that we won't know that #JoeChina got lost on the stage). As an aside: Did you see that cute little matching podium to hold the drinking watering that nobody used? Watch the video more than once, and you'll notice new things.

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