Episode 11 - You don't own your property, time to learn how to protect yourself

4 years ago

this is a short video to give you a very basic understanding as to the condition of land within America.

The deep state has gone to great lengths to slowly and systematically remove your rights and your freedoms. I am doing my best at trying to explain to you how much you have actually lost and the cost to you as well as your children and grandchildren will be in the long run.

If we do not stand up now start taking action then indeed, all is lost... It does not take very much on your part in order to do something... The first is to understand the situation as it is... And this means that you have to overcome a lot of programming and propaganda that see and believe is true.

In this episode, I explore and explain why even if you have your property paid off, you do not own it... As long as you are a tenant, you do not own it. As long as you are required to pay taxation on your property, you do not own it. You have been lied to with the explanation that it is patriotic to pay taxes, that is not true. This is a bankers, BAR association and deep state employee to systematically convince you that you have two pay taxes on land that you have paid for. That you have no control over your land because the government controls their slaves and you are a slave... Therefore the government controls your land.

It is inconceivable that the American people have fallen to such a space of ignorance compared to the extremely high level of knowledge and understanding that we used to have. In fact, 8th grade education in the middle 1800's is actually in many ways superior to the college graduate of today who is literally ignorant in the ways of civics and unalienable rights.

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At some point, I would like to address the situation of the elderly homeless... As a country we should be ashamed of the high level of homeless that we have yet, the so-called politicians have little care for the American people beyond patting their bank accounts and grabbing for more power.

Where are the churches going out to help and assist the elderly homeless? They have their 501(c)(3) government corporations... But in the past it was always the nongovernment corporate churches that reached out by way of members that had compassion that would bring food and even create some sort of shelter for these people.

Has America lost its compassion for their children? Has America lost its compassion for God? Has America lost its compassion for the family? Has America lost compassion for what is right and what is wrong? Only you can answer these questions... And I hope it gets you to think and maybe even join together to rebuild the communities that we used to have that took care of each other, communities that supported families to remain together as a unit rather than split apart as a progressive and socialistic agencies would have.

If we are to bring back America, we are going to have to bring back compassion, we are going to have to bring back the family... And cast off the hatred and vile attitudes perpetuated by the progressive left.

America is a crossroad, will you turn right, will you turn left, will you continue the path you are on?

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