Jen Psaki - Circle Psychedelic, White House Press Briefing Remix! Circle Back Techno Psaki Song!

4 years ago

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’ll have to circle back!” The famous universal response from Jen Psaki when she has no idea what the answer is. Psychedelic Psaki dance techno Circle Back remix song. Hop on the crazy train to the Castle Rock White House and join the fun! Jen Psaki is possibly the worst White House Press Secretary EVER! Jen was a scholar for Carnegie Endowment For International Peace. She also worked for scumbag John Kerry and the traitor Barack Barry Soetoro. Jen Psaki is also a former contributor to CNN fake news propaganda. It looks like Jen is another elite with her hand in all of the typical communist cookie jars.

Jen Psaki was nonresident scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. She previously served as White House communications director in Barack Obama’s administration from 2015 to 2017 and as the spokesperson at the State Department under then secretary of state John Kerry from 2013 to 2015.

Prior to joining the State Department in 2013, Psaki served as deputy White House communications director, working hand in hand with the economic team during the financial crisis, and as a senior adviser and traveling press secretary for the Obama campaigns during the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections.

Her prior roles also include senior vice president at Global Strategy Group, a New York City–based strategic consulting and polling firm; communications director for Congressman Joseph Crowley; regional spokesperson for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee; and deputy press secretary for John Kerry’s presidential campaign in 2004.

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