Presenting... THE WURMS!

4 years ago

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In this episode, I show some highlights from a British invasion inspired album, for the fictional band: The Wurms. The project was the brain child of Bart Pelloni and Ben Kramer.

I was brought in to add lead guitar, lead fills and hooks on 7 of the 10 tracks on the record.

Music used with the permission of The Wurms band.

The Wurms is:

Bart Pelloni: Music and Lyrics, Lead Vocals, Rhythm Guitar
Ben Kramer: Bass
Greg Parnell: Percussion
Jo Crandall: Harmony Vocals
Chris Peters: Lead Guitar
Gary Swinard: Lead Guitar (on 3 tracks not included in this video)
Jim Pelloni: Keyboards

#TheWurms​ #SessionGuitarist​ #TheBritishInvasion​

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