I Beheld Satan Fall from Heaven - A Collective of many antichrist spirits vs Christ

3 years ago

Thanks to Shaking My Head Productions 2 for this video called I Beheld Satan Fall from Heaven showing the designs and foundations of streets, monuments, buildings, money, and other imagery playing both sides against each other but truly for the same end justifying means for their system to rule and reign over humanity.

We are at "the end" of their master craft to control humanity through one world dominance which needs a one world religion to go with it for their mind control over the masses.

Phoenix rising from the ashes is the rebirth of the Roman Empire. Why would people want religious dominance over their lives? When this happened in the past many lost their lives from the iron teeth devouring them.

Open your eyes and realize much of our world is SCRIPTED and filled with orchestrated and PLANNED EVENTS that the elites want us to think are organically happening in real time. To them, it is an ongoing movie script with the world as their stage. Keep your eyes on the LORD and His Word as your guide in the midst of the storms.

View St. John's Cathedral in NYC with much end time imagery CARVED WITHIN THE STONES. Tell me that the Moslems caused the twin towers to go down after closely looking at the intricate detail of this elaborately crafted and well respected building clearly depicting the 911 event on 9/11/2001 long before it happened. Coincidence? Is it Christian? Who designed it? Why have the apocalypse etched within its walls?

How far does the rabbit hole of their system go? Who knows? Just understand we do not war against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers in high places. Resist the devil and he shall flee. The light dismisses the darkness.

If this is new info to you, go to Shaking Your Head Productions to gain more understanding and insights to the deceptions being used so you are not deceived anymore. The programming within TV, movies, video games, commercials, slogans, logos, and signs says it all and gets you to believe and think a certain way, according to their desired beehive mentality of a collective conscience almost as one mind without much individual thought about anything that really matters.

God Bless You and Shalom,

Susan Joy Dahl

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