Mike Lindell's 'Absolute PROOF' 2020 Election Was Stolen

3 years ago

Hold The Line - and remember this - THEY ARE STILL LYING LYING LYING: They CANNOT make you believe the election was not STOLEN because they ILLEGALLY* REFUSED TO HEAR OR JUDGE THE EVIDENCE that We The People brought!

• You SAW the election manipulated and counting illegally obscured with your OWN EYES
• You were HERE when the MSM ignored this throwing away the Biggest Story EVER.. ..and pretended (a) Biden was President Elect TWO Months early and (b) acted like there was no other
• You WITNESSED as court after court illegally* threw out the evidence (as above)!
• You now see Big Tech is "with them" carrying out Stalinist purges and now YOU are being PERSECUTED, jobs denied etc.

Situation Update 5th Feb 2021:
Myanmar seems to have done elections in parallel with America. Very similar election timing (Nov 8th), same Smartmatic and Dominion voting equipment we allege (we have it from 3 verbal sources - here is one from Mel K, someone widely said to be well researched) and also benefited from a large IMF injection to assist with "fair" elections. But that is where the similarity ends. The Myanmar Military took the natural and appropriate action that it would seem our Military would not. Why? Whether or not Trump signed the insurrection act (i.e. there is ample evidence of foreign interference, eg here) we do know a number of US Generals and Chiefs Of Staff (mostly retired as here and here) made it clear to Trump they did not want the US military involved signing open letters to that effect. This is a well documented and traitorous (if not mutinous) act, because POTUS would be easily undermined when looking at having to reverse a bent election, as required by the constitution, with military help when the military show signs of mutiny.

Situation update: It seems Myanmar has shown the Pentagon for the cowardly lot they are. We will dutifully apologize if they are in control as some allege, but the best time to act has clearly passed. The longer Biden controls the military, especially if he acts against the Myanmar Military and moves in Syria, the less able to uphold the constitution these lazy Generals and Chiefs Of Staff become (eg: here). There is one ray of hope - some honorable Generals and Chiefs Of Staff are looking on and seeing tangible evidence of Smartmatic and Dominion interference in Myanmar and seeing the path they need to take (comes to something when humble Myanmar gets to show the US the way).

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